Saturday, May 9, 2009

Shel Silverstein

I just got a new Shel Silverstein book in the mail today, so I had to share.

I remember reading a lot of Shel Silverstein's poems in elementary school, but I didn't know who he was until I was in my 20's. At that point, I started collecting his books. They've come to some use when reading to nieces and nephews (and when I'm just having a down can't frown while reading "Backwards Bill"). But lately, my Shel Silverstein books have been gathering a lot of dust.

*whimper* I want kids.

Enough with that. This book was a lot of fun. It reads a lot like a Dr. Suess book. Very cute.

1 comment:

  1. When I was dating my now husband, I found out that we both owned Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein. I knew he was the one in that moment, lol! What 21 year old Army soldier moves around the world with a book of children's poems? That's a keeper!
