Friday, March 6, 2009

Making Stuff

Another of my favorite things (definitely nearing the top of the list) is making stuff. I'm sure I'll post many, many entries about the stuff I make, and I'm really looking forward to those posts. But for now, how about if I post about my Homemade Vanilla Extract.
This picture is from the day I first put everything together. My plan was to make Vanilla Extract for the holidays this year, and give the bottles out as gifts. I usually end up making between 15-30 jars to give out. So, I bought a ton of alcohol, a huge bag of beans, 3 dozen jars...and I gave away NINE jars as gifts. Which means I have a TON left. I've researched on the internet, and Pure Vanilla Extract is pretty pricey. I've been selling bottles to friends and co-workers at rock bottom prices, and I'm so glad they're selling. It's steeped for about 3 months, and it's all ready to go.
I've heard great reviews from friends and family who have used it (from my sister in law: "Just letting ya know i cracked the lid on that Vanilla its makes some really good gobbled them up like they were goin out of thank you").

Oh, and the best part? It's perpetual Vanilla! As you use it up, just keep adding vodka. Since I'm leaving the beans in the jars, it will just keep making more Vanilla Extract. So, this one bottle will last for years! It smells delicious, too.

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