Friday, April 17, 2009

Bein' Lazy

Oh my, I have been such a lazy bones lately about my blog. Posting reruns...psh, what's wrong with me? But, there is something to be said for laziness. I don't know if any of you do this, but I have "pajama days". I don't get out of my pj's all day long. I used to plan a day every week to do this. That day was always Saturday. I would pop in Mystery Science Theater 3000 (need to do an entry about that, too), which my dad would video tape for me every week since I hate tv and refused to pay for it...and during the commercials, I would rush around the house cleaning. By the end of the day, I had gotten my exercise (running around cleaning, up and down the stairs to do laundry, and of course, laughing my buns off...literally), AND had a nice, relaxing day to boot!

Maybe part of the reason I've been taking so many "pajama days" lately is because I don't plan them anymore. It was much easier to do when I was single, had my own place, and didn't need to schedule my activities around another person. I keep trying to get back into a routine, and I just kind of putter along, and eventually my engine dies...again...

Man, this is turning out to be a depressing blog entry! It's not intended to, I promise! The point is, I love being lazy sometimes! Just for giggles, here are my favorite clothes to wear on my pj days:
(I know, I pictures are horrible...but unless I can get Shannon to start taking my pictures for me, they're just going to keep on sucking.) On the left are my blue plaid big dog pj pants, which have an enormous rip right down the outside of the left thigh, and I just don't care...and on the right is a tank top I've had for right around 10 years. Do you ever have those clothes that you just don't understand how they're still around after so many years of hard use? This shirt is one of them. This is one of my favorite pieces of clothing, so I've worn it - and washed it - thousands of times. In the Summer, I practically live in this shirt. And it does not have a single hole in it, it's not faded, and for some reason, it fits me perfectly whether I'm a size 16 or somewhere pushing 30 (all of which I've been since owning this shirt).

Another thing I really like to do, if I'm taking a "true" pajama day (which is always topped off by some quality self-care time) is taking bubble baths! A few years back, my brother in law gave me this awesome thing:

Now, this nifty light box has got to be one of my very favorite things. It lights up in various patterns, and it plays four different soothing melodies. I like to have this playing while I'm in the tub, and maybe have a few candles burning, too. And some incense. Before my genius brother in law gave this light box to me, I just had candles and Lenny Kravitz. Not that candles and Lenny Kravitz are bad, mind you...but this thing is just so cool, and it remains cool after 2 1/2 years of use.

After my fabulous bubble bath, I usually end my lazy days by giving myself a facial, painting my nails, or shaving. [Shaving? Yes, shaving.] My legs usually look like an overgrown forest, and I normally don't care. (I blame it on being a hippie-ish sort of chick, but really, I just hate shaving and don't care what people think of my fuzzy legs.) So, on those rare occasions when I do shave, it's always a treat, and I try to make it special by using some sort of yummy smelling lotion, or (preferably) some Earth Dragon Herbals stuff. (I tried finding a link, but apparently the site has been taken down. Due to the economy, and various unfortunate circumstances, I believe the business has gone under. Poo.)

Oh, and the very BEST part of my lazy pajama days? Going to bed whenever I darn well please...which usually means that this is my first whole day off. The next day, I'll get dressed and go buy car parts or pay bills...but that first whole day's gold, if I use it right.

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