Monday, April 27, 2009

Mysterious Skin, and Enchanted

I completely forgot to check in today ( it's yesterday). This is going to be another of those quickies. I spent the day doing fun coupon stuff. Went to Albertson's and saved about $40...that was nifty. While I was looking through the paper and clipping coupons, I watched two movies on the computer.

The second movie I watched, Mysterious Skin, I had already watched yesterday. I popped it in the dvd player after the first movie just to have something to watch...and besides, I usually like watching movies more than once. I catch a lot more the second time around.

I first heard about it on a support forum for sexual assault survivors when someone asked what films were healing to watch. This movie was very tough to watch and extremely triggering. But on the other hand, it had some really good acting. I was pleasantly surprised by Elisabeth Shue's performance. I like her as an actress normally, but I always have a bit of an issue with little tics or personal habits (having a hard time describing this one). In all the movies I've seen before with Elisabeth Shue, her speech was always very breathy...every time she said something, she'd empty her lungs before she started talking again. It just struck me as weird*. At any rate, she didn't do that even once in this film. She was very "real", and it was a great role for her. Not the goody-goody she usually plays, but a very likeable character nevertheless.

Ugh, I'm rambling. Anyway, this film probably would appeal to a rather narrow audience. It's very graphic, with numerous sex scenes, some of them violent; the language used is pretty off-the-charts vulgar; and it could be offensive in many other ways. If you're sensitive about pretty much anything, don't watch it. But if you have an open mind, and if you can be emotionally safe while watching, I'd highly recommend it.

The other movie I watched today was much, much more family friendly. I've been wanting to see Enchanted for awhile now because it looked so cute. It certainly lived up to what I expected. I don't really have much else to say about it...I got a few good belly laughs out of it, which was much needed after seeing Mysterious Skin the day before.**

So yeah, it was a good day full of good movies. Oh, I completely forgot, I watched most of The Matrix with Jason while we ate dinner, too. It was a very movie-ful day.

*I think the reason I have an issue with habits like this is that when I'm watching an actor who has the same habit in every movie, it's a constant reminder that this is (for example) Elisabeth Shue, not the character she's playing. Neve Campbell has a similar "breathy" thing she does in all her roles, and I can never get completely into a film she's in. Is anyone else like this?

**Of course, it didn't help much that I went and watched it again right after watching Enchanted, lol.

Am I the only one who isn't able to choose a font size anymore? And if not, is anyone else annoyed by this? I liked getting to choose a font size.

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