Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easy Bakeware

Have you been getting the Easy Bakewear pans for free? I don't know how to do banner links, but this blog has a banner right up at the top that will take you to the web site. So far, I've ordered two pans. I've recieved one of them, and it's quite nifty. But that's not why I'm blogging about this.


You'll get your free bakeware all right...but you'll also get a bill for $14.95 for something else. If you're the type, like me, who trusts that everything is as good as it looks, you might want to put that whole trust thing on hold for a few minutes. When you sign up for the $1 shipping, a bunch of stuff pops up that tells you that if you sign up for the $1 shipping (effectively making your bakewear $1, which is a screamin' deal), you are agreeing to sign up for some worthless thing that does nothing for you, for which you will be charged monthly, blah blah. You have 7 days to cancel your membership. So, if you do order one of their pans, I'd recommend putting in your order and going right straight to the phone to cancel the worthless whatever you call it thing that charges you for nothing.

What? I'm not angry. Why would you think that? I'm totally fine about the fact that I only have a few bucks til payday, the radiator hose is busted, I had to buy gas this morning, and now I get to worry about the bank balance dropping below zero, resulting in $30 in overdraft fees because businesses don't give a crap about the little guy, and will gouge you any way they can JUST because they can get away with it. I'm not angry at all. See this GREAT BIG SMILE on my face??? I'm fine, I tell you! Now shut up and leave me alone!

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